What you need to know about Apple’s iOS and MacOS’ first serious malware infestation ever - TomoNews

1 year ago

A new form of malware is targeting Apple Macintosh computers, iPhones and iPads in China, according to a paper published on Wednesday by computer security research company Palo Alto Networks. The malware, known as WireLurker, is distributed as a trojan horse in otherwise benign applications and can spread via downloads or to phones and other devices running Apple’s iOS operating system via a USB connection. This strain of malware marks the first time Apple’s iOS, its operating system for smartphones and tablets, has been successfully infected by a computer virus in the traditional sense. Ordinarily, there are many systems in play that keep iOS locked down to prevent such an infection. WireLurker, however, exploits the connection between an Apple Macintosh computer running a MacOS version of iTunes and the USB cable to send infected-malware laced programs into the Apple smartphone or tablet. WireLurker can steal a variety of information from the mobile devices it infects and regularly requests updates from the attackers’ command and control server in China. The malware is under active development and its creator’s ultimate goal is not yet clear.

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