The Atrahasis, The Shining Ones, Anunnaki Evidence - Ken Goudsward, TSP #865

1 year ago

Ken is the author of several books, including UFOs In the Bible, Before Roswell, and Fermi’s Paradox is Bullshit.He has also authored commentaries on two of the major Sumerian myths, the Enuma Elish, and the Atrahasis Epic, and is the the lead translator for the Bara Bible, a completely new Old Testament translation like nothing you have seen before, based on a fresh etymological deep dive into the original ancient Hebrew texts. I have also written a couple of novels and a lot of poetry just for fun.

As a professional computer scientist and systems analyst, I have come to realize that any system is only as good as its data, and that one of the key factors in data quality is consistency.

Check out Ken's website:

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