11 months ago

臺北-剑杆 (“T‘ÁĪPBĚĪH-JIÀNGĀN [THE ‘TAIPEI RĀPIÈR’] ;” See the Historic & Nonfictional “VAMPHYROLOGY : THE VAMPIRE RESEARCH PAPER;” published 2020 – Order From AMAZON-DOT-COM @ https://www.amazon.com/Vamphyrology-Vampire-Research-Douglas-Dietrich/dp/B08NWWK9CX ; Visit WWW.DOUGLASDIETRICH.COM) HOSTS *JULIAN CALENDRICAL ARMENIAN EASTERN ORTHODOX PROCESSIONAL FEAST Of THE HOLY TRANSLATORS DAY Cum **THE LATE NSA (National Security Agency ; Condīta est 1952—) DEPUTY-DIRECTOR COLONEL MICHÆL AQUINO , PhD’s SÓLAR RETURN EVEDAY† ***+ SEVENTIETH COMMEMORATIVE DAY Per THE 1973 YOM KIPPUR WAR OCTOBER 15TH BATTLE Of THE “CHINESE FARM”‡ WEEKEND LIVESTREAM ‘O’ “CRITICAL OMISSIONS ;” AS PROMOTED By THE SON ‘O’ ADOLF HITLER’s (sic, Biologically, as repeatedly related On-Record) HISTORIC NONFICTIONAL “THE ROSWELL DECEPTION AND THE DEMYSTIFICATION ‘O’ WW—II (Order From WWW.AMAZON-DOT-COM @ https://www.amazon.com/Roswell-Deception-Demystification-World-War/dp/1937859231 or Order Directly From SKY BOOKS via WWW.SKYBOOKSUSA.COM ; Condīta est 1992—)” COÄUTHOR PETER MꝎN (Visit WWW.TIMETRAVELEDUCATIONCENTER.COM) ; COMPÈRES TEAM Д‘ТРĂЦК (“D‘TRĂCK [‘DIETRICH’] ,” Id Est “DRAGON [Visit WWW.DOUGLASDIETRICH.COM]”) And SOURCING FROM OUT ‘O’ THE CRYPT ON РУССКИЙ ХИЛЛ (“RUSSKIY KHOLM [‘RUSSIAN HILL’]”) IN 大旧金山三藩市 (“Dà-Jiùjīnshān-Sānfānshì [The ‘Greater Hedge-Fenced City On The Three-Peaked Mountain ‘o’ Aulden Gold’] ;” exonymous throughout The Sinosphere for “San Francisco” by way ‘o’ The Gold Rush : 1848—1855) ON THE BARBARY COAST Of THE WEST.


† THE LATE FOUNDER Of THE TOS (TEMPLE-‘O’-ΣΉΘ [“ŠĒṮ’ẖ”] ; C[ondīta] est 1975—) : THE ŠĒṮ’ẖ-THÉISTIC (ie [id est] , SATANIST) HIGH PRIEST And PRIMARY WIKIPEDIA (Cest 2001—) CONTRIBUTOR (sic , see “WIKIPEDIA : ARTICLES FOR DELETION / MICHÆL AQUINO” @ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Index.phptitle%3DWikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Michael_Aquino%26oldid%3D232504731 ) , US NSA (United States National Security Agency ; Cest 1952—) DEPUTY-DIRECTOR D(OCTO)R MICHÆL-ANGELO “MIKEY” AQUINO , PhD (Philosophiæ Doctor [Political Science]) , COL(ONEL) , USA SPEC-FOR PSȲ́-OPS (United States Army [Cest 1775—] SPECial FORces [Cest 1952—] PSȲ́chological OPerationS) , “RET(ired, born 10_16_1946 ; Co-Ïncident The Stadt Nürnberg [‘City-‘o’-Nuremberg’] Executions ‘o’ Ten Prominent Members In The Political and Military Leadership ‘o’ Das Dritte Reich [‘The Third Realm’] Out ‘o’ What Had Been Conspired As An Antigodly Allied Human Sacrificial Ritual Immolating a Dozen ‘Men-‘o’-Power’ Unto The Nullity Precepts Ushering-In a ‘Thirteenth Apostle’ – The Antichristóús – But ‘o’ The Dozen Deigned-To-Die , Twa-‘o’-They Sabotaged The Sacrifice [One By Suicide and Another By Escape] , Birthing Thusly An Imperfect Apostasle [Apostate Apostle]-‘o’-Darkness In-Place ‘o’ The Intended Antichrist he Would Ultimately Swear himself to Serve [On his own Nātality, Dr Michæl A Aquino , PhD , Col , USA , ‘Ret’ would Write In-Commentary to his Šēṯ’ / Self-Authored / Automatically Writ Magickal Text Entitled ‘THE BOOK OF COMING FORTH BY NIGHT ,’ As Published Circa 1975 : ‘Creators of Magickal happenstance may take note of the following concerning The Persona of Michæl Aquino : He was born in 1946 , precisely nine months after a Working by Crowley’s California Disciples to create a Homunculus per a Secret Instruction of Crowley’s to The IX Degree of his Ordo Templi Orientis. He was also born dead , raising the question of the nature of the force inhabiting his subsequently revived body. On his chest he bears the same whorled swastika of hair born by Crowley and Buddha , and his eyebrows have always naturally curled upward into the horns described in The Biblical BOOK OF REVELATION 13:11. … He has taken The Name of The Prince of Darkness as a part of himself : Ra-en-Šēṯ’ – ‘He who Speaks as Šēṯ’.’]—¿ 2020 [see https://heavy.com/news/2020/07/michael-aquino/ ] ? ; Years-‘o’-‘Service’ : 1968—1990 ; thereafter precluding further Public Exposure in-preëmption ‘o’ future Controversies via Lateral Transferral into ‘The Puzzle Palace’ ‘o’ The US NSA wherein he eventually Ranked in-postion ‘o’ Supergrade [The Federal Bureaucratic Equivalent ‘o’ The Military Rank ‘o’ General] – see Dr Michæl A Aquino , PhD , Col , USA , ‘Ret’s’ aggressive Promotion ‘o’ his ‘SECRET SPACE PROGRAM™’-Propagandist RICHARD-MICHÆL ‘DISFO-DICK’ DOLAN [b1962—aged 61 yrs At-Time-‘o’-Data-Entry] w / in his own Posts Published on his GOOGLE+ Page @ https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2023/04/new-community-features-for-google-chat-and-an-update-currents%20.html ).”

‡ The decisive battle of the 1973 Yom Kippur War : A massive clash of Egyptian and Israeli Armour in The Sinai Desert. In what would become known as The Battle of The Chinese Farm , named for the agricultural research complex that provided numerous trenches and fighting positions to the defenders , the contest devolved into a destructive fight that left the area littered with burning tanks and dying soldiers.

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