The new axis of evil and all the dictators look up to Xi Jinping as their role model

8 months ago

10/16/2023 【Roy on Outside the Beltway @RealAmVoice】Roy Guo: The new axis of evil and all the dictators look up to Xi Jinping as their role model, and they have been working with the CCP to build military facilities near the U.S. and around world. Unfortunately, the U.S. is not aware of 80% of those facilities
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #Egypt #Hamas #KeyWest
10/16/2023 【罗伊做客Outside the Beltway 节目】罗伊:新邪恶轴心国和所有的暴政独裁者都以习近平为榜样,它们和中共合作在全球和美国周围布置了大量的军事设施,不幸的是美国对其中80%都毫不知情
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #埃及 #哈马斯 #西礁岛

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