Chihuahua Steals Butterfinger Candy And Won’t Give It Back

7 years ago

Coping with a dog that keeps stealing your things is a big problem faced by many puppy parents. Stealing is a very common problem, and different dogs have different approaches. Some are very sneaky, others prefer a smash and grab technique. Some only steal when they are home alone.

If you are fed up with your dog stealing your shoes, your kid’s toys, food from the table, and anything else he can grab in his mouth or lay his paws on, you are not alone. This dog-owner has the same problem with his canine thief!

Many dogs love to parade around with your stuff in their mouths, offering it up, tail wagging furiously, almost giving it to you, then ducking away at the last minute. Well this Chihuahua doesn’t want to share its candy and is very serious about it! Don’t mess up with this dog!

When owner tried to come between this Chihuahua and its candy, he had to put up a feisty fight! Even if dogs are believed to be man’s best friend, that doesn’t apply about sharing the Butterfinger candy. Watch how angry the Chihuahua dog gets, growling and hissing when the man tries to take some of the piled up candy in front of the dog. He simply won’t give it back!

This dog is not going to give up the candy without a fight, and the man persistently tries to take his Halloween candy back but Chihuahua won't let him have it!

Butterfinger is a candy bar created in 1923 in Chicago, Illinois by Otto Schnering, which currently is manufactured by Nestlé. The bar consists of a crispy core of creamy peanut butter blended with sugar candy in chocolatey coating.

This owner will have to teach his canine thief to stop growling and snapping when quilty as charged. How did this adorable puppy turned into a bad dog with criminal tendencies?

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