Israel declares war on Palestine, the tribulation is about to start

1 year ago

The Kippur war is about to start and WW3 is breaking out now, Jesus will grab His bride and leave everyone else left behind, if you get left behind you get left behind, Jesus will not come back and get you, the tribulation will be hell on earth!! God will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world, the wicked will pay and they will, all the gays lesbians trans, abusers, liars, sex offenders, those who mock God, haters of good, racists that hate people like black hate murder does, rich people, abortion baby Killers, mega rich false pastors, so called Christians, sex offenders, those who practice magic arts and yoga is part of it, those in cults like Islam, Jehovah witness, seventh day Adventist, church of Christ, Pentecostal, liars, those who persercute Christians, God has had enough of the wicked, Israel, America, so called lukewarm phony Christians and pastors, pastors today only care if you give money to the churches and brag how great their church is, they never talk about hell or repentance they don't want to offend anyone, the jews in israel are not Jews they are kazars and fake Jews they are the syongue of Satan and hate Jesus and are hating Christians in Israel, God will punish Israel for being blind and rejecting Jesus, killing Stephen, James and will get them back to Him, America will be destroyed and will be out of the way

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