TATTOOING FOR JESUS! (You Better Not . . .)

11 months ago

There was a time when tattoos were totally taboo in our society. The only people who sported tattoos were generally criminals, bikers, rockers, and social outcasts. Sadly, this is not so today; everyone and his dog seem to sport at least one tattoo. This includes an alarming number of Christians too. Now, if you had your tattoos before you got saved, that is one thing, but you ought not to be thinking of getting more going forward. That is because the tattoo itself has a history steeped in paganism, demonism, Baal worship, shamanism, mysticism, cannibalism, and just about every other heathen belief known. Whenever and wherever Biblical Christianity was introduced to a society, the tattoo subsequently began to disappear. 

(Jeremiah 10:2) "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them."

GRACE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 120 Barrymore Rd, Scarborough, ON. M1J 1W8

☎️ 647-888-9560


GRACE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH is an Historic Baptist Church standing for the ancient landmarks of Historic Baptists


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