Ascended Teachers Energy Vlog

8 months ago

Ascended Teachers Energy Vlog title is from the date October 16, 2023, thus giving us 33 the Master number for the Ascended Teachers like Jesus , Buddha and Krishna. it is the lovers card in tarot bringing us love balance a harmonious relationship.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure Site showed us an amplitude power of 15 at 12:15 AM UTC, thus we have Strength bravely facing the Devil with love. The quality. power was 7.00 thus we have the Chariot asking us to take the rieins and guide our chariot down our destined path. The frequency average came to 7.89 hertz, giving us 24 or #6 the Lover card may we have harmony. Therefore let us say about it all; The lovers bravely face the Devil taking charge of their love affair moving swiftly into the heart of love.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather news Site:
pretty Intense interview of Russell Carlson video:

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