We are building a home for Nicole and a brand new school

8 months ago

Huge update!!
We are building a home for Nicole and a brand new school (which we’ll build in front of her home) They are SO excited to move to our MURPHSLIFE farm! We have hundreds of families living in and our mound our farm working in the coffee industry.
These people are making a few hundred dollars a month to provide our fresh cups of coffee every morning. Many of the parents cannot afford to send all of their children to school and MOST cannot afford food for them during school.
WE are changing ALL of this..
At Nicole’s school we have free lunch. No more children walking hours to school along dangerous highways.
As for Nicole’s health what does she have?
Klippel trenaunay syndrome
It is not life threatening. In fact MANY of my subscribers have reached out telling me they have the same syndrome and live normal lives. Giving us ideas for compression socks, certain medications, treatments.. we are going to provide Nicole ALL of this.
We are also chatting with a few doctors from around the world who are possibly interested in doing cosmetic work for the child through surgery. This has to be up to Nicole and her mother to go through any type of surgery. (I have had a lot of people reject cosmetic surgery) but I believe this can be a blessing to her if they decide and if doctors around the world are willing to support her in this endeavor.
As for the school.. we’ll we’re going to need a janitor so Nicoles daddy is no longer going to be unemployed.
This is the kind of change you are making in millions of lives around the world for years to come. You are educating, feeding, providing sustainable incomes, life long houses, and giving hope to those who’ve lost their faith in humanity.
God bless every one of you guys!
We still have a lot to fundraise for this school but we are doing it! So remember to keep sharing and donating ONLY if you’re in a healthy financial situation.
We are thinking about creating a monthly subscription where 100% goes into education. They need backpacks, school uniforms, food, vitamins, English teachers.. we want to break the cycle of poverty for these communities in Latin America! Comment bellow if interested❤️lets GOO

Remember sharing and commenting to help spread this video will help us reach our fundraising goal❤️❤️

Be a superhero for someone in need! Spread love, hope, and positive change: https://gofund.me/56e01c67 🤗✨

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