Grumpy Reviews Cape May Coffee Stout from End of Day Beer Reviews

8 months ago

Good evening, folks! Today, we’re embarking on a cozy little adventure featuring a stout that’s as surprising as finding an extra fry at the bottom of the bag. It’s a tale of a grumpy soul (yours truly), a dark brew, and the unexpected charm of New Jersey’s brewing prowess.

Now, I’m as shocked as you are. A delightful stout from New Jersey? It’s like finding a four-leaf clover in the desert. But here we are, sipping on Cape May Brewing’s coffee stout, a brew as smooth as a Sinatra song and as warm as a summer’s day.

In one hand, a pint of the dark and delightful, in the other, a pipe puffing out clouds of Vanilla Cavendish, as smooth as a lullaby. It’s a pairing that makes you believe in a higher power, or at least in the power of a good brew and a cozy pipe.

So, if you’re in the mood for a dance between bitter and sweet, a tango of aroma and flavor, orchestrated by a conductor who’s as surprised as you are – well, you’ve clicked on the right video.

Join me for more unexpected delights, casual musings, and the ongoing saga of a man, his brews, and the eternal quest to keep the neighborhood kids off the lawn. Cheers, and happy viewing!

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