Tagilligan's Isle - Skull and Shackles Episode 9

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After naming Mengea as captain of the HMS Wu Tang the crew has decided to split up and search for clues! As with all Scooby Doo adventures nothing bad will possibly come from this decision.

Donate to any stream and give out perks!
$5 Hero Point, $10 Super Inspiration, $25 Miracle, $50 Major Miracle

Follow out players here:
Untamed Mando: https://linktr.ee/untamedmando
Arkasule: https://www.twitch.tv/arkasule https://kick.com/arkasule
The Creamnado: https://www.twitch.tv/the_creamnado
ThaMalware: Kick.com/ThaMalware
Bev: https://www.twitch.tv/bevcoon47?sr=a

Music and Sound by Syrinscape.
Because Epic Games Need Epic Sound

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