🇪🇺 MEPs Debate Resolution on Moldova's Path to EU: Navarro Ríos & Lenarčič Closing Statements 🇪🇺

8 months ago

Moldova, one of Europe’s poorest countries, has suffered severe political and economic collateral damage due to Russia’s war against neighbouring Ukraine, with soaring inflation, food costs, and energy prices, street protests in the capital Chișinău, electricity blackouts and disinformation campaigns. MEPs debate on a resolution taking stock of Moldova’s path to the European Union. Closing statements by ing statements by Pascual NAVARRO RÍOS, Spanish Secretary of State for the European Union and Janez LENARČIČ, European Commissioner for Crisis Management

Quelle: Copyright by Europäische Union

Media Center Link:https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/de/video/taking-stock-of-moldovas-path-to-the-eu-closing-statements-by-pascual-navarro-rios-spanish-secretary-of-state-for-the-european-union-and-janez-lenarcic-european-commissioner-for-crisis-management_I246182

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