7 Signs And Symptoms Of Fatty Liver Disease & Treatment to Reverse Naturally

1 year ago

The liver is a vital organ with many functions, such as the metabolism of nutrients, production of bile and urea, removal of toxins from the blood, and storage of some vitamins and minerals.

Fatty liver disease, or “hepatic steatosis”, is the most common form of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), which means it is non-alcohol related.
Having excess fat in the liver causes inflammation and damages liver cells, a condition known as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).
As the liver becomes fattier, it cannot detox and perform other functions properly. Finally, it can progress to fibrosis and cirrhosis - the severe scarring and irreversible stage - and finally failure.

The only effective treatment and prevention for this man-made disease is through diet (detox foods such as cruciferous vegetables, artichoke, turmeric, walnut, milk thistle, and coffee) and lifestyle changes, and may be reversible when detected early and before late stage cirrhosis.

Watch this video to learn the symptoms, and the steps of the plan to melt fat from this vital organ.

If you observe several of these warning signs and symptoms, see your dr to get a diagnosis with a blood test, ultrasound, or biopsy.

Higher Blood Liver Enzymes
Studies showed that 25 to over 50% of hepatic steatosis patients have elevated enzyme levels of Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT).

Weakness & Fatigue
If you lack self-motivation for physical and mental activities, experience muscle weakness, or feel sleepy, you may have fatigue because of fatty liver disease.

Edema & Abdominal Pain
Fat accumulation causes inflammation of the liver cells. Damaged cells can cause fluid retention and edema.

Appetite & Weight Loss
In the severe stage of fat accumulation, leptin levels are above the normal average, and can cause loss of appetite and lead to weight loss.

Gastrointestinal Issues
The most common symptom is abdominal bloating, followed by diarrhea and constipation.

Nausea & Acid Reflux
Gastroesophageal reflux is more prevalent in patients with fatty liver disease. Also, these patients experienced more heartburn and belching.

Bruising & Bleeding
Platelet production is decreased in cirrhosis, the severe stage of fatty liver disease. When blood cannot clot, bruising, even bleeding, can occur in injury. A person may also experience jaundice, itching, swelling and ascites.

For tips on how to optimize your health, diet and fitness, so you can feel amazing naturally,

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