Crystal Rivers | Word for Now | Oct 16, 2023

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A Cry for Spiritual Watchmen to Arise: Becoming a Watchman Through Intimacy with God

The message emphasizes the importance of believers functioning as watchmen and gatekeepers in this season. Every person is called to be a watchman over their family, home, church community, and even other individuals God assigns them to steward. Watchmen carry spiritual burdens and watch in prayer, while gatekeepers guard the kingdom, the church body, and protect against the enemy's attacks.
Intimacy with God is vital for watchmen and gatekeepers, through time in prayer, meditation on scripture, and waiting on the Lord. The seven spirits of God must work in believers to bring transformation into Christ's image. Satan tries to hinder this process, so persistence in intimacy is critical.
As watchmen, believers are to "eat the book" of Revelation and prophesy - declaring God's word and His promises over people and nations. The prophetic prayers, worship and utterances of believers will shift spiritual atmospheres and usher in destined seasons. The birthing and manifestation of the mature "man child" company will shut this age. Believers must labor to be found without spot or blemish, pushing in with patience and tenacity to see God's purposes fulfilled.
In summary, this message is a call for every believer to rise up as a watchman and gatekeeper through deep intimacy with God and the prophetic declaring of His word. The aim is birthing maturity in the body of Christ to fulfill God's end time purposes in the earth.

The Crystal Rivers online meetings are an organic ministry expression of the Cave Adullam community that came as an obedient response to a clear instruction from the Lord and a desire to stay connected to each other regardless of our location on the globe. Join us as we pray, fast and dig into the word with at least one expression of the crystal sea flowing via Zoom every weekday :

Crystal Rivers | Word for Now | Oct 16, 2023

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