Advanced Healing Technique - Clearing Anchors on Energy Cords

10 months ago

If you are one of my clients or students OR if you are a healer or advanced energy worker... this is a discussion on energetic anchors and a step by step process on how to clear them.

Energetic anchors are energy objects that are attached to a cord. I commonly find them attached to energy chains as well. People who direct energy anchor cords are doing so from a subconscious desire to hold you hostage on an energetic level.

Energetic anchors can do a LOT of damage to the chakras and auric layers, so you want to remove them carefully and then repair the chakra and auric layers.

I am currently accepting new clients, if you would like to schedule a healing with me you can do so on my website:


Moving forward, I'm going to be sharing advanced energy healing content here on Star Solaris.

If you are more interested in beginner friendly healing and messages, check out my NEW youtube channel and website "Spiritual Homestead"

Spiritual Homestead Youtube Channel:

Spiritual Homestead Website:

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