What We Must Be Aware of Before A Possible Attack on the US

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Tonight you are invited to hear both a warning and a call to action before a possible attack will take place on the US soil.

First- My speech from the Truth Tour 77 will be played.
( Before going on stage I prayed I would only say God's will. What happened? I said nothing of what I had planned and the whole speech was completely different. This is why I feel the Public and Survivors will benefit from hearing what what said to help all prepare for what is coming.)

Second- I will be speaking directly to survivors of SRA and MK Ultra.

Third- Short clip from Black Awakening that was written in 2009 that exclaims the same thing I am warning people of right now.

Fourth- Q & A (No question off limits!)

Puzzle Pieces Together Podcast
Monday- October 16th, 2023 at 7:00 pm EST on Rumble

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