Whoopi: Pope Francis Is A 'Progressive' Because 'He's A Human Being'

9 months ago

Moderator Whoopi Goldberg was back on ABC’s The View on Monday after her visit with Pope Francis last week. She bragged about taking important lessons away from their conversations and that he’s “a pope for all people.” But according to her, not all people were human and it all came down to politics and only progressives like her and Francis were human beings.

That’s not the Holy Spirit you’re channeling, Whoopi! She said Francis reminded her a lot of Pope John XXIII. “And it's been a very long time, and they really gave him a lot of hell about this saying, how dare you come in and change this and blah blah blah. And this pope gets a lot of hell from people because he is saying things that seem to freak people out,” she lamented. (…)

NewsBusters: Whoopi: Pope Francis Is a ‘Progressive’ Because ‘He’s a Human Being’

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