FBI Director Wray's Urgent Warning A Stark Reminder Of The Consequences Of Biden's Porous Border

8 months ago

During a Democrat debate back when Joe Biden was running for that party's nomination, an early indicator was offered for what the border would look like if he entered the White House. Biden sent out the invitations to "surge to the border" on this night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYwLYMPLYbo -- Fast forward more than three years and everybody knows what's happening. The Biden administration leaving the border porous is leading to a disaster (which was not unexpected from the "America Last" president), and just now they're expressing concern over what might happen as a result of what Biden did intentionally: Q: Record numbers of illegal immigrants and record numbers of individuals on terror watchlists crossing the southern border — how worried are you? -- JOHN KIRBY: "We're concerned" https://twitter.com/i/status/1713574088055099723

People crossing illegally are being apprehended at the border but many aren't, which can't help but make you wonder how many potential terrorists have slipped through the huge cracks: The man, along with the other three Iranians are considered "special interest aliens" because they are from countries identified by the U.S. government as having conditions that promote or protect terrorism or potentially pose some sort of national security threat to the U.S. "Special interest aliens" also undergo additional vetting and questioning after being apprehended. Last week, CBP agents apprehended two Lebanese nationals in Eagle Pass, who were also considered to be "special interest aliens." -- Add it all up and FBI Director Christopher Wray is sounding the alarm, and no, this one isn't about conservative parents at school board meetings. Wray says the odds of an attack on U.S. soil are high, all while this president should be impeached for dereliction of duty at the border:

FBI Director Wray issues urgent warning: Hamas-style terror attacks might be coming to U.S. soil. Good thing we have a secure border. https://twitter.com/i/status/1713572936072720413 -- Wow, it's a good thing the FBI has focused so many resources on school board meetings and grandmas who were at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th! Hope this won't distract the FBI from arresting traditional Catholics. Wray was also spotted preparing a narrative in case it's needed in the future: Don't give me that Lone Wolf bullshit again. "Lone wolves" are usually "known wolves" who run in packs. -- I'm sure they're on top of it https://twitter.com/KeenanPeachy/status/1713608948312580108 -- Simply amazing.

I’m glad they spent so much time on those Trump documents. Good thing the FBI hasn’t been hyper focused on persecuting the Democrats’ political opponents in recent years. It might be years (or maybe not) before we know the full measure of what a disaster the Biden presidency was for the nation. FBI warns Americans to 'stay vigilant' amid growing concerns surrounding terror threats: Former FBI special agent Nicole Parker joined 'Fox & Friends' to discuss the FBI's warning on terror threats against the U.S. as the Israel-Hamas war rages on.

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