Electromagnetic INVERSION of light – Transform ☀inside #Skycentrism #nerd#Cosmos|⦾Metric sys#physics

8 months ago

!NOTE: MOST PHYSICAL FORCES (ALMOST) INVARIANT IN ITS NATURE!!! One example – gravity force is not so important, and light bending is especially OK when inversion process applied (by my C++ program @GitHub [channel-linked!] ). MECHANICS ARE INVERTIBLE W/O PROBLEMS. As planet system, everything (sun, moon, firmament, Central Crystal/PALACE) enclosed by crust – thus, generally reversal of old copernican model, PRESERVING most physics BUT difference is huge – »»»HEAVEN IS PROXIME.
•This one abstracts stars (except the Sun), firmament, abstracts nebula series, Milky Way — this is NOT necessary, introduction prematurely 'd darken didactical value.
•Rendered 2D, IMO necessary to show didactically.
#funnel #universe #earth #concaveearth #geocosmos #sc #equations #sunlight #sunrays #solarsystem #metrics #science #model #2D #concavity #englobed #maths #mathematics #academic #studies #rendering #algorithm #astro #astronomy #universe #theory #strange #curious #calculus #calculation #calculations #conversion #reversal #Copernicus #debunking #debunked #newscience #sci #lightpath #funnel #trajectory #transformation

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