The Gaza False Flag War is Running in Lockstep with the Great Reset - You're The Voice - Episode 7- MEP Christine Anderson - September 2023

11 months ago

The latest Israel-Hamas conflict was either deliberately engineered or it was the result of a remarkable concatenation of security lapses. Current affairs commentator Efrat Fenigson, a former Israel Defence Force (IDF) reservist, was among the first to concisely unpack the sheer improbability of a Hamas sneak attack on an ultra-secure Israeli border complex.

While many commentators focused on the panoply of sensors and other safeguards along the Israel-Gaza border, there was also an aerospatial security dimension involved here. The Gaza strip is monitored 24/7/365 by an array of Israeli satellites, drones and military balloons. Multiple redundancies are built into the Israeli border security infrastructure to ensure that failure in one system will be compensated by the operational continuity of another. And let us not forget the sheer number of informers and other HUMINT (human intelligence) assets in Gaza and the entire Islamic world. In fact, a senior Hamas operative was outed as an Israeli intelligence operative just a few weeks before the terrorist organisation “surprised the world” with its “daring” cross-border assault.

Hamas was in fact created by the Israeli intelligence community to divide the Palestinian liberation movement. As an Israeli blogger, echoing numerous leaks from the global intelligence community, noted: “Due to the short sidedness of the Rabin administration and later Begin there was an idea to bring about a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood into Gaza and the Palestinian territories to counter balance the strength and popularity of the PLO.”

Have the Israeli-hatched chickens finally come home to roost in Gaza? Or was this just another false flag?

Egyptian intelligence services had forewarned the Israeli government of an impending Hamas terror attack but the warnings were apparently ignored. Instead, according to the mainstream narrative, Hamas had planned these attacks under the cloak of complete stealth. This included extensive weapons training, including the mastering of motorised paragliders, in the open space of Gaza. Now, if you believe that, you will believe anything!

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