WHO supports HAMAS and Palestine?

8 months ago

You fuckers here WHO support Palestine, take a good look WHO else supports Palestine. WHO? The same organisation called WHO which produced a mass genocide with the covid vaccines.
This is Tedros Words the leader of WHO, his very own words from Twitter:
" This year, we come together at
at a time of conflict and crisis.

The conflict in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory is an awful reminder of how quickly the health of millions of people can be put at risk.

War will bring nothing but destruction and horror. "
So you who support Palestine are actually supporting WHO which is the main supporter of Palestine worldwide. All the Health organisations in Palestine (most of them) are actually under WHO umbrella or Bill Gates Umbrella.
So you who support Palestine support the vaccine genocide. You who support Palestine are not really unvaxxed but have infiltrated Telegram to support the agenda of the WHO, which you say you dont support.
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