🚨 The head of the FBI, Christopher Wray, warns of similar events in the USA

1 year ago

There you go the new bogeyman inside job coming to you soon in the USA get ready. 🥷🥷🥷🥷🥷🤬🤯🥸🤮😳🥵☠️📣🥷🥷🥷🥷🥷

🚨 The head of the FBI, Christopher Wray, warns of similar events in the USA

⚠️ Parable of the murderous attack is a virus or contagious disease that can infect other countries

Since when when something bad happens in one country, another country should start worrying?

⚠️ The cistern accepts the things and does not think further. Panic reigns because it is terrorism. Only it's terrorism that the rulers themselves pay for, and shamelessly they don't even hide it

⚠️The mullet rage is focused and directed at the contractors of this terrorism, those cruel human animals that the leaders, on behalf of the global corporate elite, themselves raised - and they admit it

Intentionally aiming the barrel with the same finger that squeezes the trigger - instead of the hand that orders the contract and pays for it

⚠️Do they know who pays? Are they just telling us what is planned?

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