✝️I transformed my life by saying this prayer to the Seven Archangels for Seven Days❤️

1 year ago

Greetings, may the blessings of the Most High be with you, today and always. At this moment, I invite you to embark on a spiritual journey, a journey that will lead us to an encounter with the seven magnificent divine archangels. Each of them, with their power and grace, brings a special miracle to bless your life. With faith and devotion, we bow before the Divine Altar, seeking the guidance and blessings of these heavenly messengers.

Archangel Michael, the courageous warrior of light and divine protector, is the first to reveal himself. With his flaming sword, he stands as a guardian ready to cut the chains of fear and negativity that can trap our souls. His brave wings envelop our being, strengthening our determination to face the adversities we encounter on our path. His armor of light defends us from dark energies, guiding us to safety and peace. We invoke him, asking for courage to confront challenges and strength to overcome obstacles.

Next is Archangel Gabriel, the heavenly messenger of truth and divine inspiration. With his angelic trumpet, he touches the depths of our souls, instilling clarity of thought and intuition. His radiant wings enfold us, guiding us to communicate with love, authenticity, and understanding. His wise words touch the hearts of those who share our journey, spreading light and hope in every interaction. Gabriel, the messenger of truth, is our guide in the quest for wisdom and discernment.

Now, Archangel Raphael, the healer of souls and bodies, reveals himself. With his healing hands, he touches us, restoring our physical, mental, and emotional health. His hands of light penetrate every aspect of our being, freeing us from afflictions that affect our health and well-being. His healing aura surrounds us, restoring our vitality and renewing our energy. We humbly ask Raphael to guide us on the path to wholeness, where healing is a divine gift.

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