Who's Really Behind The UN Deployment To Haiti | Brian Concannon | TMR

1 year ago

Brian Concannon, human rights lawyer and executive director of the Institute for Justice & Democracy (IJDH) in Haiti, to discuss the UN’s recent authorization of Kenyan forces into Haiti in an attempt to stabilize the country.



Brian Concannon then tackles the recently approved, UN-backed, Kenyan-run mission to police the people of Haiti, walking through the birth of the mission in the U.S. State Department and their intense desire to not be seen killing Black Haitians in poor neighborhoods, resulting in their outsourcing of the project to the Kenyan military. Next, Concannon parses through the interests behind the State Department’s project to maintain the unelected regime of Ariel Henry – a project they present as pro-democracy – and their hope to avoid conflict before the 2024 election, before they wrap up with an assessment of the material impact of Biden’s anti-immigration presidency.

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