Aug 30, 2016 ❤️ Jesus explains... There is now a new Standard being raised for all Christians

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There is now a new Standard being raised for all Christians

August 30, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began… “You see, My people, when you are authentic, you shine with a special anointing, shining brightly in the darkness. When you try to imitate others, you are like old, stale bread. When you cooperate with My grace, your uniqueness shines in the darkest places bringing light, understanding and resolution.

“That is what I am doing right now with My Body. Do not imitate the ministry of others, rather be uniquely who I created you to be. There is a place in the Body for all of you. A place uniquely your own. And when you fulfill that place, you bring completion to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, while fulfilling dreams you didn’t even know you had. Those who seek Me with all their hearts, find Me; and those who have given Me their whole hearts bring Me to others in a powerful and un-duplicate-able way.

“My children, I am also calling you to take ground from the devils. You have My Name as your authority. And as you work on personal holiness – and it increases – you gain more and more authority in My Kingdom.

“Stand up to these cowards. Speak out! I am with you and I will arise from within you. Ezekiel had his fill. What is your fill? When will you get to the point where you say ‘Enough! No more!’ And then draw the line, ready to defend it?

“Yes, there is virtue in suffering but there is no room for cowards in My Kingdom. You must arise and come forth in righteousness, not allowing the enemy to walk all over you. When My righteous indignation arises in you, rise to the occasion and draw the line. Stand up and be the warrior for righteousness I have called you to be.

“There is a new standard being raised now for all Christians. A new clarion call going out. This is a time of pressing in and gaining ground for the Kingdom; putting the enemy to flight, causing casualties in the spiritual realms of darkness. You must contend with the enemy for new ground, for healing, for justice. No longer can you sit back and embrace the victim mentality. Rather, now you are the aggressor against the wiles of the devils and you’re not giving up nor are you giving away any territory. Rather, you are pressing in and taking territory from the wicked ones.

“Do not be cowed. Rather, arise and see My Glory all around you as that hammer comes down and smashes the strongholds of the past in your life and the lives of your loved ones. As you arise, My Glory descends upon you and all around you. Be not afraid – rather make the enemy afraid of you. As you contend, I shall display My Power on your behalf.

“Go on the offensive and be courageous. My power is perfected in your weakness and no weapon formed against you will prosper. Rather, put the enemy on the run and declare your new territory.”

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