CH 3 SC 2 "The Missing Piece of My Puzzle"

8 months ago

When I first set eyes on you, I was instantly taken aback by your prosthesis. I didn't understand why you were using it or why you still chose to be so cheerful and positive. Yet something about you drew me toward you even further, almost as if I had been pulled in by a magnetic force. I soon realized there was something special about you - something that had nothing to do with your prosthesis. I began to realize that in spite of your physical condition, there was a strong determination and strength of character in you that was extraordinary. I couldn't help but be drawn to your inner light and your unwavering positivity despite the hardships you were facing. In no time, I was convinced that I had found someone special in you and that prosthesis was nothing more than an extension of your courageous spirit.

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