Confidential Synodality Synod Docs Posted to Unsecured Server

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Date – Monday, October 16th, 2023 – St. Albert the Great

1. **Introduction of St. Albert the Great:** Born around 1206 in Swabia, Germany, he studied Law in Padua. Influenced by Blessed Jordan of Saxony, he entered the Dominican Order, becoming known for his devotion to Our Lady and expertise in natural sciences.

2. **Teaching and Studies:** St. Albert taught theology in various cities and universities, including Hildesheim, Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Regensburg, Strasburg, and Paris. His erudition in natural sciences surpassed his peers.

3. **Role in Scholasticism:** St. Albert is considered the founder of Scholasticism and was the master of St. Thomas Aquinas, guiding him in intellectual pursuits.

4. **Return to Cologne:** He returned to Cologne in 1248, overseeing Dominican studies and later becoming Dominican provincial of Germany.

5. **Bishop of Regensburg:** In 1260, he became the Bishop of Regensburg but resigned after three years, choosing to teach in Cologne.

6. **Council of Lyons (1274):** St. Albert actively participated in the second Council of Lyons, where he contributed to the deliberations.

7. **Canonization and Recognition:** St. Albert was canonized on December 16, 1931, and declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius XI. His significant accomplishments were recognized, and he was praised as a destroyer of heresies and a scourge of evil men.

8. **Intellectual Brilliance:** St. Albert's brilliance was evident in his multifaceted talents – as an intellectual, contemplative, and man of action. His achievements consolidated the Middle Ages.

9. **Interior Life's Precedence:** St. Albert's life exemplifies the precedence of the interior life. His strong interior life empowered his extraordinary scholarship and accomplishments.

10. **Combatting Heresies:** St. Albert's dedication to combatting heresies serves as a model for understanding the modern errors of Progressivism. His brilliance and splendor in combating heresies inspire Catholics to stand firm against contemporary challenges.

St. Albert the Great, pray for us!

INTRO – Happy Monday

When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

And – at 15 past the hour, What happened on the global day of jihad?

Also – at 30 past the hour, Confidential synodality synod docs posted to unsecured server

Oh Yeah – at 45 past the hour, Transgender news

Plus – in the next hour, Too Many Saints Looking for Work!- we discuss Austin Ruse’s article out of Crisis Magazine

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show with a prize from

My grandfather’s cancer.

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