How to Update Email Address without losing Data in Google Workspace | Google Admin FAQ | Admin Tips

1 year ago

Hi Google Admin,
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You can change a user’s work profile name or email address without losing any of their data. For example, if Jane Smith’s name changes to Jane Doe, you can change her profile name and her email address from to in the Google Admin console. Jane will continue to receive email sent to both her new and old email addresses. To learn more, choose what you want to change from the options below.

This short video guide you how to update email address quickly. After the update of user email address.

The user will:

Start receiving email sent to their new email address
Sign in to their account with the new address (the old email address won't work)
Continue to get email sent to their old address, which becomes an email alias
Continue to access emails, files, and data associated with the old address
Email sent to the new email address and the old (alias) address is delivered to the user’s same inbox.

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