This Principle Can Fix Your Posture and Walking Technique

8 months ago

This one Tai Chi principle can fix your posture and walking technique. In this video you will learn the principle and how to apply it directly to your posture and walking technique without the need to learn Tai Chi. This principle applies to how to coordinate the elements of your core to create optimal movement. Poor core movement can result in poor posture, like slouching, anterior pelvic tilt, and locked knees. It can cause walking technique issues like duck feet, over-striding, and heavy heel strike. These issues can result in chronic back, shoulder, hip, knee, and foot pain for various types. Most videos and treatments for these issues will focus on strengthening and stretching muscles. But, you should ask yourself, why are these muscles tight or weak in the first place. Most of these problems occur without an injury. The real problem is not tight or weak muscles, it is improper patterns of movement. You can no better fix poor walking technique by stretching and strengthening muscles than you could fix for salsa or tango dancing technique by those means. Fixing the problem requires learning HOW to move properly. There are specific patterns, guided by the core, that create optimal movement of all types, whether it is walking, dancing, martial arts, or athletics. We take it for granted that walking technique is the one type of movement that requires no instruction. This is wrong, and that is why so many people walk poorly.

I have seen videos saying that you can fix duck feet by stretching of foam rolling the outside of the tight calf muscle. That would imply that the high percentage of people out there walking with duck feet all have a specific calf tightness, and coincidentally it is exactly as tight on both sides. When you see groups of 6 or more people walking down the street all with duck feet, it is hard to imagine they all have the same random muscle tightness issue. The problem is not tightness. It is movement patterns. You will learn the principles behind these patterns in this video.

To fully learn the principles, techniques, and exercises necessary to optimize your core and your posture, sign up for the new Waking Code Online Course: Mastering Proper Posture and Walking Technique with Conscious Understanding of the Core. This link will take you to my website so you can learn more about the course, which is the best way to help improve the way you move.

For more information on The Walking Code Course and to enroll early, go to my website link below. I will see you there.

You can also pick up The Walking Code Ebook at the website.

Learn to prevent:
Poor posture
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Duck Foot Walking
Forward Leaning with Walking
Heavy Heel Strike

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