BRICS vs G7: Who's beating inflation? | David Woo

1 year ago

The twin inflation shocks of the past 3 years - supply chain disruptions associated with the lockdowns and a spike in commodity prices as the result of the Ukraine War - have largely dissipated. However, inflation in most countries, especially advanced economies, is declining only gradually, prompting concerns about a wage price spiral. Interestingly, G7 countries have had less success in bringing down inflation than BRICS countries. Indeed, with both Canada inflation and Australia inflation coming in stronger than expected last month, the Bank of Canada and the Reserve Bank of Australia were forced to raise interest rates again. What can the G7 countries learn from the BRICS countries? What is the outlook of the US economy versus the Chinese economy and the Indian economy? What does it mean for the power struggle of the unipolar vs multipolar world and the global north vs the global south? David Woo, a former top-ranked Wall Street global macro strategist, tells it as it is. You may not agree with everything he says but he will make you reassess everything you thought you knew.


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