Unmasking the Global Currency War: What Does it Take to Take on the King Dollar?

1 year ago

The US Dollar, after reaching an all-time high last October, has been struggling lately. Why has the king dollar lost its appeal? Why are countries diversifying their foreign exchange reserves away from the dollar? Is the dollar's reserve currency status at risk? Is the Fed done hiking rates? What about the coming debt ceiling crisis? In the US China rivalry, is the renminbi ready to challenge the dollar as the world's primary reserve currency? What about hegemony gold and crypto? Does the war path Biden has embarked on to defend the American hegemony mean for the USD? Did you know that at the heart of the tech war is a war over reserve currency status. In the struggle between the unipolar vs the multipolar world, who will be the winner of the global currency war? Will the bearish consensus US dollar forecast prove to be correct? A former top-ranked Wall Street global macro strategist tells it as it is. You may not agree with everything he says but he will make you reassess everything you thought you knew.

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