Dr. Jackie Stone on SID protocol: African Solutions for African problems

8 months ago

Very brief and straight to the point presentation by Dr. Jackie Stone on her experience with early treatment COVID-19 protocols and their efficacy. This is a clip from a longer presentation hosted at:

Dr. Jackie Stone's paper:
J.C. Stone, P. Ndarukwa, D.E. Scheim, BM Dancis, J. Dancis, M.G.Gill, C. Aldous, "Changes in SpO2 on Room Air for 34 Severe COVID-19 Patients after Ivermectin-Based Combination Treatment: 62% Normalization within 24 Hours", Biologics. 2022 2(3) (2022), 196-210

The Zimbabwe SID protocol:

My paper cited in her presentation:
E. Gkioulekas, P.A. McCullough, V. Zelenko: "Statistical analysis methods applied to early outpatient COVID-19 treatment case series data", COVID 2(8) (2022), 1139-1182
M. Rendell: "Commentary on 'Statistical Analysis Methods Applied to Early Outpatient COVID-19 Treatment Case Series Data' by Gkioulekas, Mccullough and Zelenko: A Return Back to the Future" Journal of Healthcare Communications 7 (10) (2022), 130-135

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