SUNDERLAND 2 LIVERPOOL 4 - "Liverpool FC - The Retro Series" #liverpoolfc #sunderland

9 months ago

This volume in our time travelling and retrospective match reports series takes us back 42 years to a Roker Park that couldn’t find its “Roar” on a bizarre afternoon in front of 32,340 in the English North East. 6 goals, some incredible ones too, and on a partly snow covered pitch that necessitated the use of the always visually pleasing orange ball! Sunderland had a youthful Chris Turner in goal, Liverpool the soon to be departing legend Ray Clemence. The hosts had a certain Sam Allardyce in defence and the evergreen Pop Robson in attack, the visiting Reds (in their alternative all yellow strip) gave a rare start in defence to Colin Irwin and the much missed genius that was Ray Kennedy skippered the side.

The above paragraph begins my 12th written piece of retrospective writing on the Mighty Reds of Liverpool and which is my 15th volume recorded here. The original article was penned and published to my Medium blog site on 27th June 2022 and can be read in full and for free (please also consider subscribing for free too!) via my Substack blog site and the article itself linked immediately below:

Written separately and a footballing indulgence, these pieces of writing aren't included within the book linked immediately below, but I'll promote it anyway as I'm rather pleased and proud of my third self-published book and first on Liverpool Football Club. It's the book on the Reds I've always wanted to write, covering the past two seasons in the club's storied history as well as eight personal stories dotted throughout a book I'm incredibly proud of:

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