The Prodigal Son - Presented by A Voice Crying In The Desert

1 year ago

A Conversation with A Voice Crying In The Desert - Evangelist James Carter from Fort Wayne, IN

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The Prodigal Son

Have you ever walked away from your relationship with God? Have you lived what Men would call a very bad life? Have you done things that you knew were wrong and that went against everything you claimed to believe?

Then take heart. Know that God still loves you and is waiting to forgive you. Jesus told the story of the Prodigal Son to show us that no matter how far we fall or how often we run away, God is always waiting with open arms when we come back to Him and ask forgiveness.

The Evangelist James Carter has seen this play out in his life many times. He has left the Church and God multiple times. Due to Mental Illness, James has done terrible things in his life and paid a high price for it. He has sinned over and over again. Done things that Pastors and Religious People condemn him for. Say he could never be in ministry because of.

But God is not like Men. He loves all and welcomes all home.

Join us as we look at exactly what God's Grace means to one who has fallen far short.

Join us as we discuss the simple fact that our Heavenly Father will always be waiting with open arms to welcome you Home when you turn back to Him.

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