At Rabotino and Verbovoy, landing forces and infantry continue counterattacks

8 months ago

At Rabotino and Verbovoy, landing forces and infantry continue counterattacks, destroying and capturing Ukrainian Armed Forces militants
▪️On the Zaporozhye front, our units again carried out daring counterattacks on the Kopani-Rabotino-Novoprokopovka-Verbovoe line, seizing the initiative.
▪️As we reported yesterday, several units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were surrounded, those who refused to surrender were destroyed, and the wiser ones surrendered.
▪️Today the counterattacks continued, a new portion of prisoners were captured.
▪️Among today’s prisoners there are mainly “Mobs”. And in the photo, Ukrainian Armed Forces militants were taken from positions recaptured by the landing force near Verbov.
▪️The fighting continues, ours and the enemy are actively using artillery.

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