We are So Smart, yet Super Stupid...🥴😵‍💫🫵

1 year ago

We're smarter but super stupid at the same time...
We instinctively know what is good for us. Because we are lazy and think that 'things happen to others and not me' we tend to not take action on what our subconscious brain 🧠 intelligence tells us to do.
Like the simple stuff, drink water, get exercise, get rest.
This is programmed into every human. But we're smart and have freedom of choice. In this instance it's our down fall. Take care of yourself when your body tells you to NOW Vs. Later when it's to late.
Your future self will thank you for the quality of life you have chosen for yourself.

#PersonalDevelopment #MakeBetterChoices #ListenToYourself #MLCV

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