October 2023 Energy Update

1 year ago

October 2023 Energy Update has landed! How is it October already?! What the ...!

The rest of the year is promising to be feisty, full on and full of surprises. Are you ready for October?

To contact Lucy:
You can check out who Lucy is, the products and services she offers and also organise a FREE 15 minute call by reaching out on her website: www.lucydavis.com

For Lucy's social media channels, please follow:
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/lucydavis2222/
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/selfloveclu...
FB: https://www.facebook.com/lucydavis222
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/selfl...
FB Personal: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...
Telegram: https://t.me/selfloveclubwithlucydavis

/ lucydavis2222
TikTok: Lucy Davis 2222

To join Lucy’s weekly mailing list, please click here: https://www.lucydavis.com/weekly-woo

You can purchase the fruit and veggie capsules Lucy takes at: https://ldavis111.juiceplus.com/gb/en...
Or the mushrooms: https://lucydavis.petclub247.com/peth...

To attend the Online Healing session being held on 19th September 2023, please use this link: https://www.lucydavis.com/booking-hea...

To join Lucy’s 5 Day Breakthrough Experience, use this link to sign up for the £7.77 programme: https://www.lucydavis.com/the-5-day-e...

Conscious Conversations community, weekly zoom calls with Lucy, please use this link to join (£11.11 per month)

To start your Self Love Mastery journey, please click this link: https://www.lucydavis.com/selflovemas...

To order From Head to Heart, Lucy’s first book: https://www.lucydavisbooks.com/
Any issues email support@lucydavis.com

To read the editors review: https://www.rikarron.co.uk/post/the-j...

To work with Rik: www.StoryHealing.co

If you love crystals, Lucy works with two incredible companies around the World.

Order your orgonite by clicking here: https://www.ftwproject.com/ref/498
Organite is amazing for protection from negative energies and EMF, energising your food, mind, body and soul, plus being a generator of great sleep.

Order any crystals you feel drawn to by clicking here: https://www.spiritmagicka.net/?ref=lu...
This incredible company shares a multitude of beautiful crystals to support every day situations and life that occur.

Donations of love:
Wisio: https://www.wisio.com/LucyDavis

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