Why Animal Farm is a Must-Read: Short Summary. #shorts #review #animalfarm

8 months ago

"Animal Farm" by George Orwell is a political allegory that tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their oppressive human farmer in the pursuit of a utopian society. The animals, led by the pigs, establish their own government based on the principles of "Animalism," which promises equality and freedom.

Initially, the animals successfully overthrow the humans and establish their own self-governing community. However, over time, the pigs, especially Napoleon and Snowball, become corrupted by power and gradually abandon the founding principles of Animalism. They oppress the other animals, manipulate the rules, and engage in behaviors reminiscent of the humans they once revolted against.

The story mirrors the events of the Russian Revolution and the rise of Joseph Stalin, with the farm's transformation reflecting the descent from idealism to totalitarianism. The novel highlights themes of political manipulation, propaganda, and the corruption of power.

The famous slogan "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" symbolizes the hypocrisy and inequality that have taken root. In the end, the animals can hardly distinguish the pigs from the humans, demonstrating how the cycle of tyranny continues.

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