Why Lord of the Flies is a Must-Read: Short Summary #shorts #review #lordoftheflies

9 months ago

"Lord of the Flies" by William Golding is a classic novel that explores the darker aspects of human nature when civilization and societal order break down. The story begins with a group of British boys, stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash during a wartime evacuation. Initially, they attempt to maintain a semblance of order and governance, electing a leader, Ralph, and establishing rules. However, the inherent savagery and fear lurking within them begin to emerge.

As the days pass, a power struggle ensues between Ralph and Jack, who becomes increasingly obsessed with hunting and the desire for control. The boys' society deteriorates into chaos, symbolized by the emergence of a primitive cult-like figure known as the "Lord of the Flies."

The novel explores themes of the loss of innocence, the corrupting influence of power, and the inherent potential for violence in human nature. The boys' descent into barbarism culminates in the tragic death of one of their own and a devastating signal fire that could have saved them.

"Lord of the Flies" ultimately serves as a stark warning about the fragility of civilization and the capacity for cruelty within individuals, illustrating how the veneer of societal norms can quickly erode when confronted with isolation and fear. The novel's timeless and chilling narrative has made it a thought-provoking examination of human behavior and a powerful commentary on the darker aspects of human nature.

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