Poetry - Forgive Myself (I Choose)

8 months ago

If you are having difficulty in life, especially in self love, or self acceptance, or self forgiveness, I hope reading this along with me, will help improve your life a little.

Self forgiveness, means trying ones best to not let ones self to make the same mistakes again, but, knowing that, no-one is perfect, not even self.

Only when our heart, mind & soul, are healed, strong & synchronized in honesty & truth, can we truly feel whole.

Good luck in your journey!

Sometimes life gets tough & we make mistakes, or we feel weak & so give in to what's popular or what we believe to be wrong, just to try to fit in & be seen as worthy of praise or companionship even when we believe what we are saying or doing is wrong, as a way to people please or gain popularity, or, sometimes we allow ourselves to become victims of something because we are too scared to say "No" or "Stop" or cause we fear hurting another's feelings, so we knowingly or unknowingly allow ourselves to become victims.

As we age, we often feel we wasted our lives on unimportant people, jobs, or things, that filled our insides, with hidden, secret anxiety, depression, trauma, fears & regret.

We feared judgment, rejection & exile if we were honest & spoke our truth, so we lied, to fit in & be falsely accepted, into a group, who only liked or accepted our fake self, our mask & not our whole, true self in.

So we feel fractured into pieces, inside, causing anxiety, fear, depression, trauma responses, hate, jealousy, anger & more, not know who we really are.

Some people try to solve such issues with bad things like - drugs, alcohol, gambling, violence, revenge, theft, crime, even suicide - rather than to face the real, difficult, underlying issues, head on, with bravery, - cause it's not taught, or not "cool", or can't escape the bad people or situations keeping them down & trapped.

There are many other reasons in this world. Feel free to comment on yours & even on how you plan to slowly overcome it!
If you overcame it, how you successfully overcame it, how long it took, etc.

Who knows, it may help inspire somebody, some day!

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