"WHY is it NOT the greatest COUNTRY in the world? EXCERPT FROM "THE NEWSROOM"

1 year ago


We have all been indoctrinated to believe that the good old "US of A" is the greatest country in the world, a land where many want to migrate, a land of opportunity where you can be or do anything, the land where dreams come true🛌💤


The truth❓
America is saturated in corruption and on the brink of full scale tyranny because many Americans are either too scared shitless or too lazy to stand up and resist - it's just so much easier to comply isn't it?

The majority of politicians, if not all, who the people think they are electing to serve them, are just puppets on a string. They continue to do the bidding of the nefarious cabal shadow government, who has either paid them or blackmailed them into compliance and obedience.

Each and every election is swayed in favour of the regime, granting them more power and opportunity to install another puppet.

Elections are redundant❗️ They are a null and void entity giving an illusion to the people to believe they have a voice, they're in control and their opinion matters.

Each and every country around the globe are in the same boat, because all countries are controlled by the same shadow regime.

You think you are voting Republican, but you are electing RINOS (Republican In Name Only).


Because we have ALL allowed them to get away with it for centuries❗️

Please go to my blog website - ginamacinamessages.com
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