Parasites cause cancer

11 months ago

You are FULL OF WORMS and microscopic types of parasites.

This is why your health sucks

This is why you CRAVE CARBS/SUGAR

This is why you have gut issues

This is why you have hormone issues

This is why you have energy issues

This is why you have aches and pains

This is why you have bad breath
(Parasite shit & piss in your blood)

Its crucial to do cleanses 2x year minimum.

I personally do 4x year minimum because I know how deadly they are.

Here's 3 recommendations

1. Zahler Paragard
This is a natural anti parasitic

But these effers are resilient so I'd recommend doing ph@rma grade anti as well occasionally..

Especially if you've never cleansed.

2. Iver-mectin
3. Fenbendazole

But you MUST eliminate these effers.

It's vital for health

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