The Great Deception | Don't be Bamboozled

9 months ago

#economics #news #psychology

Humans can only thrive if they’re free. The state wants to deceive you into believing that you can be free if you submit. The state is indefatigable in its prophecies. The agony of the people is always predicted unless they submit. These failed false prophets are then glorified. Peace is the mother of all things, not war. Peace can only be established if you don’t submit to violence. The state wants you to believe violence leads to peace.

The suppression of freedom happens under all sorts of names. The supreme authority disguises its action, but they all basically mean the same. Socialism, communism, Marxism, fascism, stakeholder capitalism, conscious capitalism, fill in the blank capitalism, etc. They’re all statism or collectivism. Don’t be fooled by names and terms given certain meanings to arouse emotions. The state is the supreme authority in all of these.

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