Police Came, Employee Suspect Gone | How Did That Person Get Fired - Part 4 #redditstories

9 months ago

This is a multi-part series on from Reddit r/sysadmin on how "that Person" in the office got fired.

Man voice
Federal police walked in silently one day, tapped him on the shoulder and walked him out. Never saw him again
Woman voice
The Feds were polite to the front desk, presented the warrant to the receptionist, and were granted access to the facility to collect their suspect.
Man Voice
Pretty much this. Don’t know anything more about it. The guy was a known weirdo in the office though.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/16fgeag/so_how_did_that_one_person_in_your_department_get/

#tdsheridanlab #redditstories #sysadmin #workplacedrama #askreddit #workplace #police

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