Nationalism is Statism | Nationalist measures are Statist measures in Disguise

1 year ago

#economics #nationalism #ideas

States around the world adopt various statist measures in disguise. The concern is whatever the interests may be at that time. It’s certainly not freedom. Nationalism is impossible under freedom. The masses don’t receive a cut in money wages, but the price of goods they buy does rise. Nationalism is equivalent to a pay cut. A country must impose trade barriers for nationalism. Freedom and nationalism are incompatible.

They will claim producers within the nation must be protected from “dumping.” This is absurd as the candlemakers petitioning for the sun to be blocked out because it’s dumping free light. The logic is the same. The term “dumping” is a demagogic tool. They are advocating for higher domestic prices anytime an industry makes this claim. Regardless of the industry, it’s no different from the candlemakers.

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