…is forgiveness the answer?

8 months ago

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…is forgiveness the answer?
17.34 wake up now
18.33 circit board world
20.02 if you want to grow
21.01 history or lies
22.30 tartaria free energy
23.55 tartaria tech Scotland
24.24 tartaria transport
25.56 old tartaria tech
27.26 2200 degrees for a hour
28.56 bubble cymatics
30.00 banning good bulbs
31.29 blue light zombies
32.28 whats is that
32.48 electro culture 1770
33.46 electroculture beetle repeller
34.34 emf dangers
35.51 ev bus fire brasford
37.27 Gigi_Young_In_this_bizarre_and_disturbing_performance_Madonna,
38.32 balenciaga psyop
40.21 california child stealing
41.22 child trafficking
41.58 drag
42.27 ukraine british company involved in child trafficling
43.02 common sense
44.53 how will they control us
45.52 cdc phoney disease scare mongers
47.26 chemtrails map
48.33 climate crap
49.50 fauchi new
50.55 how to distill water emergency

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…is forgiveness the answer?

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