What's the purpose of football, anyway?

1 year ago

Dylan Moore of Irida TV has a guest appearance at the Apocatastasis Institute with John Coleman to discuss the understanding history through the lens of Carroll Quigley and the ideas he puts forth in his book The Evolution of Civilizations. How do the goals of all social organizations eventually get taken over by a group of vested interests? If we know, understand, and expect this to happen, what can we do to avoid it in all aspects of our lives?

-The Apocatastasis Institute: https://apocatastasisinstitute.wordpress.com/
-Evolution of Civilizations: https://archive.org/details/CarrollQuigley-TheEvolutionOfCivilizations-AnIntroductionTo
-Tragedy and Hope: http://www.carrollquigley.net/pdf/Tragedy_and_Hope.pdf
-Carroll Quigley: http://www.carrollquigley.net/
-Arnold Toynbee: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold_J._Toynbee
-Council on Foreign Relations: https://www.cfr.org/
-Find more of our content at: https://irida.tv/
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