Do You Keep Your Old Sony, Xbox, Or Nintendo Video Game Console Boxes

1 year ago

Over the years, I have collected a number of different video game systems from different manufacturers. Dating back to the original Nintendo Entertainment System, the Super Nintendo, and 64, Sega Genesis, all the way forward to the PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch OLED. I remember when I was a teenager I actually had held on to my Super Nintendo box, and I actually stored it above my dresser and it rested on a mirror. I eventually got rid of it, and as I bought each subsequent system either I traded in the previous generation model on the new one or otherwise just sold my systems. Starting with the Wii U, however, I actually started hanging on to my boxes. Since then, I've also gone back and rebought boxes for systems. That's right I've actually gone back and bought any ass boxes, Super Nintendo boxes, boxes, and more. So this got me thinking and wondering how many other people out there actually hold on to their boxes? Do You Keep Your Old Video Game Console Boxes?

I always had an affinity for hanging onto boxes, call me a pack rat. When I got my Wii U, I thought it was actually a really good-looking box. As such I held on to it. Since then, I've just continued to do so. The first box I made a deliberate choice to keep beyond the Wii U and my PlayStation 4 Destiny White edition was my original Nintendo Switch. I still have that box in fact. It seems kind of weird now, keeping empty boxes, but they're actually been times when I've gone out and just purchased a box to complete a system.

What about you? Have you ever purchased just a box for a system? I know many people do this for games and for the manuals for games but what about the systems they play on themselves? Do you prefer to buy a complete in-box system or does it not make a difference to you? Make sure you share your thoughts in the comment section.

#VideoGame #Collector #Nintendo #WiiU #PlayStation #halloweenwithshorts #shortsexcellence #fypã‚· #NintendoSwitch

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