Nitecore Tini 2, Micro Edc 500 Lumen Keychain Flashlight

11 months ago

oday we take a look at an easily carried or lost, led flashlight. Its tiny, like the name, smaller than a 9volt battery I use as a comparison. It features 5 light outputs, 500 lumen, 200 lumen, 65 lumen, 15 lumen, and 1 lumen. Plus it has 2 lock modes, and 2 run modes. Lock mode 1 is only 500 lumen light works, all others locked out. Lock mode 2, lock outs all the features to prevent accidental discharge. Mode 1 is Demo, meaning as long as its in demo mode, the light will automatically turn off after 30 seconds. Mode 2 is Daily, which is a setup where you have to turn the light off itself, or its will stay on and discharge the battery. This edc flashlight also comes with a small key-ring and clip. This particular light does not come with a Type C charge cable, but did come with an added micro light see in the video. Some packages have a charge cable, but it usually costs extra.

Nitecore Tini 2 on Amazon:

Nitecore Tini 2 on Aliexpress:

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