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11 months ago

Trump Statement - The United Autoworkers are Being Sold Down the Tubes by their So-Called Leadership

“The United Auto Workers are being sold down the tubes by their so-called leadership.

They always support Democrats, yet They have lost 60% of car manufacturing over the years to foreign countries and that's all been through Democrats for the most part.

They don't care about cars. They don't care about the auto workers. The electric vehicles are a disaster for the auto workers and a big disaster for America.

They will all be made in China, every single one of them, all of our jobs and auto making will be gone. I will double and triple manufacturing of cars in the USA.

Sean Fain should endorse Donald Trump, not Joe Biden, who doesn't know he's around, He can't put two sentences together and Sean Fain cannot preside over the death of auto workers in America, Because as the head of the Union, that's what he's doing.

If Sean Fain endorses Donald Trump, We already know that most of the auto workers are going to vote for me because they know how I feel about them and how I feel about their jobs.

He will have the easiest Union job ever, he can go on a vacation like Biden for six months, Because we're going to bring back auto making to America

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